Oil & Non-Corrosive Viscous Fluid Screw Plug Heaters

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Oil & Non-Corrosive Viscous Fluid Screwplug Heaters

Screw Plug Immersion heaters consist of hairpin bent tubular elements brazed or welded into a screw plug, and provided with terminal enclosures for electrical connections. Chromalox MTO industrial heaters use direct immersion for energy efficiency, and are well suited for light weight oil applications.


MTO & EMTO Light, Medium, & Heavy Oil

Screw Plug Immersion heaters consisting of hairpin bent tubular elements brazed or welded into a screw plug, and provided with terminal enclosures for electrical connections. Chromalox MTO industrial heaters use direct immersion for energy efficiency, and are well suited for light, medium, and heavy weight oil applications.

ARMTO & AREMTO Light, Medium, & Heavy Oil

Screw Plug Immersion heaters consisting of hairpin bent tubular elements brazed or welded into a screw plug, integral thermostat, and provided with terminal enclosures for electrical connections. Chromalox MTO industrial heaters use direct immersion for energy efficiency, and are well suited for light, medium, and heavy weight oil applications.

TV, SM, T, F Series Oil Applications

For International markets, Chromalox offers a dedicated Screw Plug immersion product offering. Standard models include TV, SL, FWS, TRHG, FPSM, FPSL, and FPFW.

Oil applications can require a wide variety of watt densities to suit the viscosity of a particular application. Chromalox offers standard product ranging for from 1.2 to 3.9 w/cm2 to suit just about any application.


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From high temperature gas heating to superheated steam and super-critical water processing, Chromalox is the leading partner for all process heating solutions.