Modular Steam Generators

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Decentralized Steam Generation

Steam can be generated at the point of use

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Reduced Fossil Fuel Dependency

Take steps to reduce carbon emissions

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Durable Design

Long service life in hostile environments.

About Modular Steam Generators

Our modular steam generators are engineered to deliver zero-emission steam directly at the point of use. This decentralized approach to steam generation reduces the need for extensive steam lines throughout facilities, enhancing cost-effectiveness and efficiency by minimizing heat losses from steam pipelines. Additionally, this design promotes a safer working environment.

Adopting an electric steam supply is a smart move for those aiming to reduce their carbon footprint incrementally as part of their net zero journey. Our electric steam generators enable users to decrease reliance on fossil fuel-powered boilers while providing a reliable backup steam supply for periods of increased demand or necessary maintenance on the main central boiler.

For commercial and industrial facilities looking to transition away from fossil fuel-powered processes and towards electric steam, our generators offer a phased approach. This allows facilities to gradually reduce the load on the main boiler, supporting their net zero goals.

We are here to assist you in selecting the right solution for your decarbonization needs and in planning your journey to net zero thermal energy processes. Our decarbonization assessments can help you identify and implement carbon reduction improvements in thermal energy processes throughout your facility.

More information on decarbonization assessments

Modular Steam Generators

CES-B Vertical Steam Boiler

CES-B Medium Capacity Steam Boilers are sized to match the most common requirements for steam in many commercial applications, laboratories, hospitals and industrial plants. CES-B boilers are ideal for stand-by operations requiring high pressure steam in remote areas of an industrial plant which might incur excessive pipe losses or expensive piping costs to supply from a central steam supply. They are ideal for off season periods when steam is needed for critical processes or humidification when the main boiler is shut down.

CSSB-A Stainless Steel Vertical Steam Boiler

CSSB All Stainless Steel Steam Boilers are specifically designed for use where the purity of the heating fluid must be maintained. Typical applications include sterilizers and autoclaves in research, biological and pharmaceutical laboratories and humidification equipment for the electronics industry (solid state substrates).

CSSB boilers utilize de-ionized, demineralized or distilled water to provide pure steam, free of minerals or undesirable chemical additives. Pure steam eliminates the possibility of carry over of contaminants into the process.

Note — A water feed system supplying distilled, de-ionized or demineralized water is required on all CSSB boilers.

CHPES-A Medium Pressure Vertical Steam Boiler

CHPES Medium Pressure Steam Boilers can be used wherever steam and process temperatures up to 400°F are required. CHPES boilers produce steam at pressures and temperatures considerably higher than CES models which are limited to 135 psig and 359°F.

CHPES Boilers are Ideal for stand-by operations requiring steam in remote areas of an industrial plant which might incur excessive pipe losses or expensive piping costs to supply from a central steam supply. They are ideal for off season periods when steam is needed for critical processes when the main boiler is shut down.

CHPES Boilers are Trimmed at 250 psig for operation up to 235 psig, come complete, factory tested and ready to operate. CHPES boilers are UL Listed.

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From high temperature gas heating to superheated steam and super-critical water processing, Chromalox is the leading partner for all process heating solutions.